
Inspired by the “infinite time and no ambition” offerings of Vanda Scaravelli, our practice is a pause, making room to notice the inner landscape of our bodies and our lives. With an approach of curiosity and compassion, we begin an inquiry of subtle, non-insistent movement and breath, and bring wonderment to resourcing, with inner response and agency honoured in somatic embodiment. Unlearn habitual tension, explore full-body presence and feel your aliveness under the surface in this unhurried experience of yoga.

  • The following classes are by session (at $15/class) or drop in ($20)
  • Sliding scale available
  • Currently on Zoom from Bad Dog Studio
Anne teaching a class
Bad dog studio

Shanti Yoga


7am–8:30am - no "check-in" - we get straight to practice!

Embodied Yoga


8:15am–9:45/10am - this class includes an optional "check-in" (how are you doing? what are you noticing in your body these days?)?

Please contact Anne for details on sessions.



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A Year to Breathe: Practicing Grief, Gratitude and Endings unto our Last Breath - A Year Long Gathering, Study and Meditation

New Year-Long Course! - January 2025 - January 2026!!!!!

Once a month meetings

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Informed by Cancer Retreat

May 22 - May 26, 2024


Seasonal Dances

Dance Your Life Experience!

Each season, mark your life. Play with movement and stillness, free dance and traditional circle dance, invigorated by world music. Honour earth, air, water, fire and space, in you and around you. Dance your aliveness and your devotion. Celebrate the season and enjoy warm community. No dance experience necessary.

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Winter Solstice Dance

Saturday, December 16, 2023



Other Events

HeadStart: Empowerment for Women Living with Breast Cancer

Fall 2024



Inspire Now!: A Program for Those Living with Lung Cancer

Fall 2024


Anne standing in the garden

“Yoga, dance, beauty-making, ceremony, this breath you are giving in each exhalation. Not self growth, but remembering and human-making, in service to your people and to your sweet corner of this world.”